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History of US

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True or False. The colonists felt they were being taxed unfairly without being represented in the government.
Why is the Boston Tea Party an important event in history?
Because it was one of the events that led to the American revolution.
True or False. The north (Union) had 20 states.
False. It had 25 states.
What was the American Civil War?
It was a conflict between the southern and northern states of the United States.
True or False. The Confederacy had 11 southern states.
When did the Civil War end?
The Civil War ended on April 9th, 1865.
When did the Civil War begin?
The Civil War began on April 12th, 1861.
True or False. Tea was a favorite drink among the British and the colonies.
What happened in 1619?
The first black slaves are brought to America from Angola.
What is a slave?
A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
Who were abolitionists?
People who wanted slavery to be made illegal.
How many British colonies were there in America from 1600s to 1770s?
There were 13 colonies in America.
True or False. The Underground Railroad was a safe and fun way to travel.