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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say "tomato"?
el tomate
How do you say "fish"
el pescado
How do you say "beans"?
los frijoles
How do you say "potato"?
La papa/la patata
How do you say "broccoli"?
el brocoloi
How do you say "salad"?
una ensalada
How do you say "to take the bus"?
tomar el autobús
How do you say "cake"
el pastel
How do you say "the menu"?
el menú
How do you say "the park"?
el parque
Translate: Do you want to go to the movies?
(Tú) quieres ir al cine?
Translate: She orders steak and french fries.
(Ella) pide bistec y papas fritas.
You sleep=
Tú duermas
We can=
Nosotros podemos
How do you say "tip"?
La propina
How do you say "here"?
What verb means "to cost"
Translate: The chicken costs $10.
El pollo cuesta $10 dolares.
Translate: I want to go to the café.
(Yo) quiero ir al café.
How do you say "I see"
Yo veo
What is the verb for "to find"?
Who serves the food in a restaurant?
el mesero/el camarero
Qué necesitas para ir a un concierto?
Las entradas
What is the word for table?
la mesa
What is "un lugar"?
a place
What is the word for "rice"?
What is the verb for "to ask for/order"
How would you say: "I can't sleep."
(Yo) no puedo dormir.
How would you say: She returns.
Ella vuelve.
What is the verb for "to sleep"
What is the verb for "to eat lunch"