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Useful Pie Chart Language for IELTS

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Journeys by train __ over the 50-year period.
remained the same / stayed the same
The lowest expenditure for __ countries was seen on Healthcare, __ Japan's largest expenditure was for Other Goods __ Malaysians spent the most on Housing.
both, but, whereas / while
__ petrol, all sources of energy production saw an increase over the decade.
with the exception of
Both A and B
A as well as B
Synonym for 'show'
illustrate / depict
47% / 48% = __ one half
almost / nearly
34% / 35% = __ one third
just over
Synonym for 'make up'
take up / account for / comprise of
Synonym for 'the percentage of'
the proportion of
two fifths
66% / 67%
two thirds
three quarters
one fifth
one quarter
one third
one half
Entertainment sales were __ those of food.
exactly half
Food made up the highest proportion of sales with 32% which was 10% and 14% __ that of housing and clothing, __.
greater than, respectively
Food sales were __ those of entertainment.
exactly double
The sales of Travel, Luxury Goods and Clothing were all __ 17%.
at or around
17% of English tourists were in favour of South Africa, which was __ the figure for Canada.
just over double
When it came to British travellers, the popularity of Japan and Singapore __ accounted for precisely three quarters of the total.
The preference among the British for rugby and hockey were less than __ that of football.
one third
Football was the most popular sport among the English with 40%, which was __ __ by badminton (35%).
closely followed