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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who said?: "I killed him. The other cop was hit in the leg"
Who said?: "Why is it that nobody believes you're going to retire?"
Who said?: "I've heard a lot about you. I would like to meet you before you leave""
Who said?: "I don't understand this place anymore"
Who said?: "There are going to be five more murders if we don´t find the killer"
Why did Mills and Somerset go to the public library?
What did Somerset say about the killer and Dworkin’s apartment?
What did the photos in Dworkin´s apartment show? What about the date?
How was Dworkin's apartment like? What did they find in the bedroom? Describe the situation. What was written on the wall?
Has Somerset ever fired a gun? What about Mills? How did it end?
Did Somerset and Mills think Dworking was the killer? Why/why not?
Who was Victor Dworkin? What did the police know about him?
Did Somerset think the murder was crazy and asking for help? What did he think he was going to do?
What was behind the painting in Gould's office? What did Somerset do? What was written in fingerprints?
Where was Mrs Gould? What did Mills and Somerset ask her to do? What did she say about the painting?
How did Mills think Gould was murder?
How did Mills and Tracy meet?
Why didn´t Mills want to call the murderer a Serial Killer?
Why did Mills pick up a photograph in Gould's office?
What was Somerset’s prediction related to the murders of Eubank and Gould? How many murders did he think there were going to be?
Describe Gould’s office.
What was the link between the two killings (Eubanks and Gould's)?
What was Somerset thinking about what he’d found behind the refrigerator? What were his options?
What was behind the refrigerator in Eubank's apartment?
What was in the jar the captain gave Somerset? Where were they found?
Did the captain think Somerset was leaving? Why/why not?
Who was Eli Gould?