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Rosh Hashanah

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When is the only time we don't blow the shofar on Rosh Hashnah?
When Rosh Hashanah falls out on Shaboss.
How long can you say Tashlich for?
From Rosh Hashana till Hoshna Rabah.
Where do you go to say Tahslich?
To a body of water that has fish like a lake.
What day do we start saying Tashlich?
We start the first day after Mincha saying Tashlich.
Once the shofar is blown are we allowed to talk?
You are not supposed to talk till after Musaf when the last blasts of the shofar are blown.
What are the reasons we use a ram horn?
To remind us of the Akedias Yitzchak. We use a ram horn because it is curved, and we want to show what we are humble and bent over before Hashem.
What do we say a Shecheyanu on the second night of Rosh Hashanah?
A new fruit.
Why do we have a fish head on Rosh Hashanah?
We have a fish head because we want to be like the head and not the tail of a fish.
Why do we eat pomegrantes on Rosh Hashanah?
We eat a pomegranate because just as pomegranate has many seeds we want as many mitzvos as there are seeds in the pomegranate.
How many times in total is the shofar blown in Shul in Rosh Hashanah?
100 times
People have a Minhag to eat what type of food on Rosh Hashanah and Why?
We eat sweet foods because we want to have a sweet new year.
We have a Minhag to avoid what types of food on Rosh Hashanah?
We avoid sour foods
What is the name of the siddur we use on Rosh Hashanah?
A Machzor
What do people say on Erev Rosh Hashanah?
Hataras Nedarim
What is the purpose of blow the shofar in the month of Elul?
To wake us up to do Teshuvah.
How many sounds does a shofar make and what are the names of the sounds?
3 different sounds. Tekiah, Shevarim, Terurah
What day do we don't blow the shofar before Rosh Hashana?
The day before to sperate the minhag from the actual mitzvah to hear the shofar on Rosh Hashanah?
What is there a Minhag to do in the month of Elul?
Blow the shofar