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Reach for the Sky - Intro Quiz
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TRUE or FALSE, achieving a goal also feels good.
Who reached one million followers on Instagram faster, Sir David Attenborough or Kylie Jenner?
Sir David Attenborough
How old is the world's oldest penguin? 21 / 34 / 41 / 66
How many achievements are there in the game Fortnite? 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
The world´s oldest tandem parachute jumper is ___ years old. 76 / 97 / 103
Sarah Dench was the first woman to cross ___ on a paramotor. THE SAHARA DESERT / THE ENGLISH CHANNEL
The English Channel
A teenager has broken the record for the longest hair. How long is it? 50 CM / 2 METRES / 1 METRE /
2 metres
TRUE or FALSE: Lewis Hamilton has won the Grand Prix 94 times?
What is the most-viewed YouTube video: DESPACITO / SEE YOU AGAIN / BABY SHARK / SHAPE OF YOU?
Baby shark
Someone who works hard is a GO GETTER / GET GOER
a go-getter
What is a bucket list? A LIST OF DOs AND DON'Ts / A LIST OF LIFE GOALS
The "ice bucket· challenge raised money for... UNICEF / CANCER RESEARCH / ALS
The ALS Association
TRUE or FALSE: A challenge is easy to do.