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History 2: Persian Empire

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Name ONE of the two capital cities at the ends of the ROYAL ROAD.
SARDIS (the summer capital), or SUSA (the winter capital).
What is DARIUS I known for?
He was a great GOVERNOR and BUILDER. He built the ROYAL ROAD.
How are decisions made in a DEMOCRACY style GOVERNMENT?
EVERYONE gets a VOTE in a democracy.
Who is in charge in a MONARCHY style GOVERNMENT?
The KING or EMPEROR is in charge.
Who was the next great king AFTER Cyrus?
The next great king was DARIUS the GREAT. (or Darius I)
What was King CYRUS known for?
He was known for being KIND, GENEROUS, MERCIFUL, and a CONQUEROR.
Why did the Lydian horses RUN AWAY from the Persians?
The Persians had CAMELS, which were SMELLY and LOUD. The horses thought they were SCARY!
What empire did Cyrus CONQUER after the Medes?
He conquered LYDIA.
Who DEFEATED the Medes?
King CYRUS the Great.
What group of people were the FIRST RULERS of the Persian Empire?
The MEDES were the first rulers.
Why is the green region called the "FERTILE CRESCENT"?
It's fertile: CROPS GROW there. It's SHAPED LIKE a crescent moon.
What does MESOPOTAMIA mean?
It means: "the LAND between TWO RIVERS".