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Grade 5 Final Reiew

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My dad speaks so _________ when he is on the phone.
my mom loves to paint. She paints __________
I'm the fastest runner in my class. I run ________
My sister is a great dancer, she dances ________
It's so cold in here! Can you please _______ the heat?
turn up
I'm done with my chores, can I please ________ the TV?
Turn on
I'm on the phone and can't hear, can you please __________ the radio?
turn off
Don't forget to _______ your homework today.
turn in
Fill in the blank: "I need to co____ my hair."
Fill in the blank: "A ___ight in shining armor saved the princess."
Fill in the blank: "Mary had a little la_____."
Fill in the blank: "I ___ow the answer!"
What was he doing at the library?
He was borrowing books.
What was he doing yesterday?
He was taking pictures.
What did she do last weekend?
She went bowling.
What did they do yesterday?
They went for a bike ride.
Who is the most graceful: a ballerina or a basketball player?
A ballerina is the most graceful.
Which is bigger: an elephant or a kitten?
An elephant is bigger than a kitten.
Which is faster: a cheetah or a gazelle?
A cheetah is faster.
______ apples look delicious.
Those apples look delicious.
______ apple is red.
This apple is red.
We have 12 cans of coke for 5 people. Do we have enough?
Yes, we do.
How much lemonade is there?
There is a lot of lemonade
How many cupcakes are there?
There are a lot of cupcakes.