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Clark the Shark

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use fossil in a sentence.
EX: I saw a cool fossil at the museum.
Define: varnish
A liquid that keeps things looking new
define: Dough
A wet mix of water and flour.
Define: Breathlessly
To do something when so tired that you breath heavily.
Use "Breathlessly" in a sentence
EX: The man breathlessly ran to his car.
Define: settle down
To become quiet, calm, or orderly
Use "settle down" in a sentence
After drinking some warm tea the man was able to settle down.
What is a synonym for settle down?
Use "Settle down" in a sentence
After drinking some warm tea the man was able to settle down.
True or False: Clark the Shark was very rough at the start
what is a thing people do.
True or False: Everyone cheered for Mrs. Inkydink
Was Sid the Squid hurting his friends on purpose?
What do you think is the most important rule in school?
Example: I think no running is the most important.
Why are classroom rules important?
Example: They keep us safe
What is another way to say "scared"?
Shook up
What is another way to say "I am hungry"?
I'm starving
Use might in a sentence
Example: She pushed the door with all her might
What does grin mean?
To smile a big smile with teeth
To jump up and down many times
To become thiner
Lose weight
To give food to animals or people.
What does chubby mean?
A little bit fat
What is a prize?
Something you win
What does brilliant mean?
Very smart
What is one rhyme Clark said to himself?
What is an airplane without an engine?
What is someone who makes new things?
What does sail mean?
To move slowly through the air or water.
What does bellow mean?
To shout something in a loud voice.
What does munch mean?
To eat something in a noisy way.
How would you describe Clark at the END of the story?
Calm / Nice etc.
How would you describe Clark at the START of the story.
Rough / Loud
What did Clark's best friend say to him at lunch?
Munch your own lunch
What did Clark like to play at school?
Upsy-Downsie / Spinna majig
Who is the biggest and strongest at school?
Clark the Shark
What is the name of the school Clark goes to?
Theodore Roosterfish Elementary School
Where does Clark the Shark live?
The sea
What is the name of the new friend?
Sid the Squid
What is the name of the teacher in our story?
Mrs. Inkydink
What does fantasy mean?
not true / something that cant happen in real life.
What is the genre of this story?
What is the title of our story
Clark the Shark