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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am smaller than right angle but greater than zero angle. Who am I?
Acute angle
The sunlight is the best example for _____ 1) Line segment 2) Ray
2) Ray
In square the angle of the corner is obtuse angle
NO. It is right angle
The angle between the bat and the ball is  ______1)Obtuse angle 2) Right angle
2) Right angle
The angle made by the scissor is zero angle.
No. It is acute angle
Name the angle made by the hands of the clock.
Obtuse angle
A line is a set of points in a ______ path
The angle of the corner of the rectangle is _______ 
Right angle
What is the angle between the rain drop and land?
Right angle.
What is the angle at the top of the triangle?
Acute angle.
The angle made by the hands of the nature mother is _______
Acute  angle.
The angle made by the lap top is __________
Obtuse angle.
Name the angle made by the hands of the clock.
Obtuse angle.
The angle made by Meena's right hand is ______ 
Right angle.
Name the angle made by our hand while we point others.
Straight angle.
Name the angle made by our hand while we are eat.
Acute angle.
The straight angle is equal to _____
180 degree
The obtuse angle is in between _____ and ____
90 degree and 180 degree
The angle in the above picture is a right angle.
No, it is acute angle.
What is the angle of the picture?
Zero angle
I have one end point. And I extends in one direction without ending. who am I?
A line segment is a part of a line between _________ points.
two end
A line is a set of points in a straight path that extends in  _________ direction.
An exact position on a plane surface is called ________