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Early Native American People

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A long period without rainfall
These people farmed in the mountains of what is now Georgia and the Carolinas.
This is a brick made of mud
These people farmed the bottomlands in what is now Mississippi.
These people lived in loosely knit farming communities in present day Georgia and Alabama.
How many Iroquois nations were there?
These people lived in the woodlands of North America and formed complex political systems to govern their nations.
Iroquois and Cherokee
These tribes settled in the Great Plains and were skilled horseback riders.
Comanche and Dakota
These hunters and gathers settled in the Southwest in the 1500s.
Apache and Navajo
These tribes were descendants of the Anasazi. They built homes from adobe.
Hopi, Acoma, Zuni
These people settled in the Great Basin between the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains. They traveled in search for food so they only set up temporary shelters.
Ute and Shoshone
These tribes settled in the plateau region between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. They fished the rivers and hunted and gathered in the forest.
Nez Perce and Yakima
These tribes settled in the north western coast and developed a way of life that used resources from forest and sea
Tlingit, Haida, Chinook
These people settled in the northernmost part of North America. They built igloos and made clothes from fur and sealskin.
This was the largest settlement of the mound builders, located in present day Illinois.
These people lived in the area known as the 4 corners and built stone dwellings called pueblos.
The Anasazi
These people lived in present day Arizona and were experts and getting water from the soil.
The Hohokam