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Spanish Greetings

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Muchas Gracias
Thanks so much.
Hasta la proxima clase! means?
See you next class.
Puedo ir al bano? means?
May I go to the restroom?
De Nada
You're welcome.
Por favor means?
Buen fin de semana means?
Have a nice weekend.
Lo siento means?
I'm sorry.
Triste means?
Enojado (a) means?
Emocionado (a) means
Feliz means?
Sorprendida (0) means?
Nerviosa (o) means?
Se congelo la pantalla means?
The screen froze.
No te escucho means?
I can't hear you.
Mi computadora no funciona means?
My computer doesn't work.
Mi nombre es means?
My name is
Me llamo means________________________.
My name is.
¿Cuál es tu nombre?" means _________________.
What is your name.
Nombre means____________.
¿Cómo estas ? means?
How are you?
¿Cómo te llamas? means.....
What is your name.
Igualmente means.....
How do you say nice to meet you in Spanish?
Mucho gusto, encantado(a).
Buen fin de semana means.....
Have a nice weekend.
Nos vemos means.....
See you.
How do you say, "See you tomorrow, " in Spanish?
Hasta manana.
What does "hasta luego," mean in English.
See you later.
What does "adios," mean in English?
What does "buenas noches, " mean in English?
Good night!
What does "buenas tardes," mean in English?
Good afternoon.
What does "buenos dias, " mean in English?
Good morning.
What does ," hola," mean in English?