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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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4. Complete with a missing preposition – Don’t worry, everything will be ready in time. You can count … me.
Finish the sentence – If you admire and respect someone, you …
look up to them
True or false? If you are an outcast, you are considered to be very talented.
False – you are not accepted by people who you live and communicate with
What should you do if you disagree about something important with people who are close to you?
come to an agreement
Finish the sentence – I … what you’ve done for me. I wouldn’t manage to do that without your help.
When might you say that somebody violates your privacy?
When they search through your things, read your diary, etc.
What do you say about someone who is imaginative and comes up with unexpected ideas?
They think outside the box.
Finish the sentence – There are 5 … in our family, including me.
Complete with a missing preposition – Her father’s sense of humour rubbed off … her.
What is the opposite to break rules?
Obey/play by rules
Paraphrase the sentence using the word ‘keep’ – He is really reserved, he doesn’t usually talk much.
He keeps himself to himself.
True or false? If you let something get to you, it makes you feel upset or angry?
Finish the sentence – Despite her strict upbringing, she became a loving and … mother.
What do you call a difference in values and attitudes that leads to misunderstanding between parents and children?
generation gap
Why might you need to stand up for yourself?
Because you are being criticised or attacked
Finish the sentence – My parents are … about the time I spend surfing the Net. How can I explain them they shouldn’t worry?
What are the characteristics of younger children?
They are manipulative, they often get away with things; they usually feel neglected
Complete with a missing preposition – She blamed him … not telling her the truth.
Paraphrase the sentence using the word “see” – We don’t agree about this issue.
We don’t see eye to eye on this issue.
What might happen if you suppress your feelings?
it leads to physical and emotional stress
True or false? If you take after one of your parents, you continue running their business.
False – you look or behave like your parents
What do you call someone who uses rude words to hurt other people?
If two people are completely different, they are …
like chalk and cheese