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Which 2 canals receive the most traffic?
Suez and Panama canals
Name 4 of the 5 countries that contain the Himalayas?
Bhutan, Tiibet (China), India, Nepal and Pakistan.
How do Stuart Little's family greet eachother?
Little High, Little Low -- Little Hey, Little Ho
Of what species is Jar Jar Binks?
Who was Qui-Gon Jinn's master?
Count Dooku
What is the highest grossing film of all time?
Which Japanese animation studio created Spirit Away?
Studio Ghibli
How many pawns stat on the chess board?
What does HTML stand for?
Hyper Text Markup Language
What Mineral are the characters from Steven Universe named after?
Gem Stones
Name on famous family from the Sims Franchise!
Goths / Landgraabs / ??
Which oceans are along the beaches of Capetown?
Indian and Atlantic
How many types of journal are there in accounting?
7 ??
Which lead/supporting roles in Black adder have been knighted?
Baldrick (Tony Robinson)
What is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere?
Name all the members of the fellowship of the ring!
Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Gimli, Legolas, Arragon, Boramir, Gandalf
Who is Mr. Burns' assistant in the Simpsons?
Mr. Waylon Smithers
What street to the Dursley's live on?
4 Privet drive
Name all Harry Potter's defence against the dark arts teachers
Quirrel, Lockheart, Lupin, Madeye, Umbridge, (snape)
Who is Naruto's friend/enemy in the anime?
Sasuke Uchiha
Who is Magnus Carlsen?
The current chess world champion.
What is the riddle on door to enter the Mines of Moria?
Speak friend and enter
What is the name of this song?
Beethoven's 5th
What do any of letters except T stand for in JRR Tolkien?
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien