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Nutrition - Food and Good Habits

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this healthy?
No, it’s not.
Is this healthy?
Yes, it is.
Are these healthy?
Yes, they are.
Is this healthy?
No, it’s not.
What do you do with this product?
I floss my teeth.
What do you do with these products?
I brush my teeth.
What do you do with this object?
I comb my hair.
What do you do with this object?
I brush my hair.
What should you do after taking a shower?
You should change your clothes and brush/comb your hair.
Say 05 drinks in English.
Answers may vary.
Say 05 vegetables in English.
Answers may vary.
Say 05 fruit in English.
Answers may vary.
What should you do after flossing your teeth?
You should brush your teeth.
What should you do before brushing your teeth?
You should floss your teeth.
What should you do after eating?
You should floss and brush your teeth.
What should you do before eating?
You should wash and dry your hands.
Say 05 examples of junk food.
Answers may vary.
Say 05 examples of healthy foods.
Answers may vary.