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B1_Unit 1_Lesson 3

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Якби у неї було достатньо часу, вона б приготувала лобстера.
If she had had sufficient time, she would have cooked a lobster.
Якби йому не сподобалося шампанське, він би повернув його в магазин.
If he hadn't liked the champagne, he would have taken it back to the shop.
Якби він підтвердив замовлення, він би його отримав.
If he had confirmed the order, he would have got it.
Якби кухар використовував місцеві продукти, страва була б більш апетитною.
If the cook had used regional products, the dish would have been more appetizing.
Якби у них були окремі кімнати, вони були б щасливі.
If they had had separate rooms, they would have been happy.
Якби вони зустрілися, вони б приємно пообідали.
If they had met, they would have had a pleasant lunch.
Якби торт був вкритий шоколадом, він був би бездоганним.
If the cake had been covered with chocolate, it would have been faultless.
Якби їм пощастило, вони б обрали правильний напрямок.
If they had been lucky, they would have chosen the right direction.
Якби вони вибрали правильний напрямок, то прийшли б раніше.
If they had chosen the right direction, they would have come earlier.
Якби вони замовили столик, то з'їли б дуже апетитну страву.
If they had booked a table, they would have eaten a very appetizing dish.
Якби офіціант запропонував, вони б замовили страву дня.
If the waiter had suggested, they would have ordered the special.
Якби вона купила баклажан, то запекла б його.
If she had bought an eggplant, she would have baked it.
Якби він приготував цей кабачок, у нього була би здорову вечеря.
If he had cooked this zucchini, he would have had a healthy dinner.
Якби він замовив страву дня, то з’їв би камбалу.
If he had ordered a special, he would have eaten a flounder.
Якби офіціант приніс карту вин, вони б замовили вино.
If the waiter had brought a wine list, they would have ordered wine.
Якби вона там святкувала свій день народження, то забронювала б столик.
If she had celebrated her birthday there, she would have reserved a table.