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Jolly Phonics Book 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_ _ _ _' _ _ tugging.
They're tugging.
_ _' _      _ brown trunk.
It's a brown trunk.
_ _'_     _ _ _   sun.
It's the sun.
_ _' _ stuck.
He's stuck.
_ _' _   _   black and white skunk.
It's a black and white skunk.
_ _ _ _' _ _ running.
They're running.
_ _' _    _ brown rug.
It's a brown rug.
_ _'_     _ pump.
It's a pump.
_ _ ' _     _ nut.
It's a nut.
_ _' _       _   pink pig _ _ mud.
It's a pink pig in mud.
_ _'_ _ leg.
It's a leg.
_ _ _ _ '_ _ hugging.
They're hugging.
_ _'_  green gum.
It's green gum.
_ _ _'_   _   grump.
She's a grump.
_ _' _    _  duck.
It's a duck.
_ _ _ '_ _ cups.
They're cups.