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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is your father as old as your mother?
No, my mother is not as old my father.
Is a sofa as comfortable as a chair?
No, a chair is not as comfortable as a sofa.
Are you as tall as your father?
No, I am not as tall as my father.
Are bicycles as fast as cars?
No, bicycles are not as fast as cars.
The air in the city is not fresh. The air in the country is fresh. (fresh)
The air in the city is not as fresh as the air in the countryside.
English is easier than French. (easy)
English is not as easy as French.
Lumi is less careful than Ludi. (careful)
Lumi is not as careful as Ludi (is).
Your cellphone is more expensive than mine. (expensive)
My cellphone is not as expensive as yours.
Allen has ten erasers, and Amy has ten erasers, too. (many pencils)
Amy has as many pencils as Allen (does).
My dad is taller than I. (tall)
I am not as tall as my sister (is).
Trains are faster than cars. (fast)
Cars are not as fast as trains (are).
Your shoes are dirty. His shoes are also dirty. (dirty)
Your shoes are as dirty as his shoes.
This plum is juicy. That apple is also juicy. (juicy)
This plum is as juicy as that apple.
The dress is very cheap. The skirt is very cheap, too. (cheap)
The dress is as cheap as the skirt.
Tom ate five apples. John ate five apples. (many apples)
Tom ate as many apples as John.
Eric is 180 cm tall. Ben is also 180 cm tall. (tall)
Eric is as tall as Ben (is).
Kiki is busy. Cindy is busy, too. (busy)
Kiki is as happy as Cindy (is).
Ludi is happy. Lumi is happy, too. (happy)
Ludi is as happy as Lumi (is).
Annie is 30 years old. David is also 30 years old. (old)
Annie is as old as David (is).
You have 500 dollars. I also have 500 dollars. (much)
You have as much money as I.
Jane has ten pencils, and Jacky has ten pencils, too. (many)
Jane has as many pencils as Jacky.