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USHA Unit 7 Quiz Review

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This was the Union's plan to take control of the Mississippi River and other seaports to slowly force the Confederacy into defeat.
The Anaconda Plan
Lincoln's original goal at the beginning of the Civil War was to what?
Preserve the Union
The primary economic activity of the South prior to the Civil War was manufacturing. True or False?
"Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation" is from...
The Emancipation Proclamation
What was the first state to secede from the Union?
South Carolina
Which Union general led the March to the Sea, destroying everything in South Carolina and Georgia all the way to Savannah?
General William Tecumseh Sherman
This Civil War battle was a Union victory, led the Union to control the Mississippi and split the Confederacy.
The Battle of Vicksburg
This battle in 1863 was a Union victory and considered a turning point in the Civil War.
The Battle of Gettysburg
This is the location of the Confederate surrender in 1865.
Appomattox Court House
This person was a former slave who became a well known abolitionist.
Frederick Douglass
This principle states that a person can't be held in prison without first being charged for a crime.
Habeas Corpus
Jefferson Davis was the commander of the Union army. True or False?
False! It was Ulysses S. Grant
This was the location of the first battle of the Civil War.
Fort Sumter
This was declared in 1863 by President Lincoln - it freed slaves in Confederate territory.
Emancipation Proclamation
What significant event followed the Election of 1860?
Southern states began to secede from the Union
This Civil War battle was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War and a victory for Union forces.
The Battle of Antietam
The overall time period for Reconstruction is from 1865 - 1877. True or False?
Many women's groups objected to the 15th amendment because it did not include women in the voting population. True or False?
The Compromise of 1877 included the removal of federal troops from the South ending Reconstruction. True or False?
Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of newly freed black slaves.
Black Codes
Political Party that favored harsh punishment of Southern states after the Civil War.
Radical Republicans
Lincoln's reconstruction plan wanted to rebuild the south politically, socially and economically. True or False?
United States actor and assassin of President Lincoln.
John Wilkes Booth
Under Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan, 10% of each state's voters had to swear allegiance to the US before the state could rejoin the Union. True or False?
Under Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, all southerners except high ranking Confederate officials would be pardoned. True or False?
Congress passed the Civil Rights Act because it gave African Americans rights denied by states' black codes. True or False?
This amendment granted citizenship to anyone born in the US including former slaves and provided equal protection of the laws.
14th Amendment
Providing food and medical care to those in need in the south was a goal of the Freedman's Bureau. True or False?
True! Also provided legal advice, established schools and helped find work.
This amendment prohibits the gov't from denying anyone the right to vote based on race, color or previous servitude.
15th Amendment
Native American policies were the main reason for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. True or False?
False! It was over Reconstruction Policies
Which Amendment abolished slavery in the United States?
13th Amendment
The withdrawal of federal troops from the south marked the end of Reconstruction. True or False?