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Sequence and Series

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The sum of the first n terms of ______________ with common ratio, r is not equal to 0 is:
Finite Geometric Sequence
The given rule is used in finding the nth term of ___________.
Geometric Sequence
A sequence is ______ if the ratios of consecutive terms are equal.
Geometric Sequence
The given rule is used in finding the sum of the _____________.
arithmetic series
Find the sum of the 200th term of the sequence 4+ 8+ 12+ 16+ 20 …
S200= 80, 400
When you graph sequence, ________________.
Do not connect the points
Given the term ??=28, common difference is 10.Find the first 5 terms.
38, 48, 58, 68, 78
The given rule is used in finding the nth term of ______________________.
arithmetic sequence
It is an expression formed by adding the terms in an arithmetic sequence.
Arithmetic Series
___________ gives the relative position of each term.
The data you want to know or the data you gathered are called _______.
A list of numbers with addition operations between them.
A sequence that has a last term.
Finite Sequence