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The Diary of a Young Girl

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe: The secret annex
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: Where was Anne born and why the family left that place?
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
talk about: Anne's fate after the Nazis took her to the concentration camp.
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: Anne's fears and nightmares
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: the importance of the diary for Anne
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: reasons for the Frank family to be hidden in the secret annex.
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: Restrictions Jewish people had in Holland during the German occupation
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: Anne's relationship with the Van Daans
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: Anne's relationship with Peter
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Talk about: Anne's relationship with her parents
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Describe: Jewish people difficulties during WWII
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Describe: Peter Van Daan
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Describe: Miep and Bep
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Describe: Edith Frank
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Describe: Otto Frank
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember
Describe: Anne Frank
you have one minute to answer and mention everything you remember