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More than and Less than

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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36 is 10 less than _____
36 is 10 less than 46.
________ is 10 more than 22
32 is 10 more than 22
______ is 10 less than 22
12 is 10 less than 22
32 is 10 more than _______
32 is 10 more than 22
79 is 10 more than _________
79 is 10 more than 69 .
1 less than _______ is 27
1 less than 28 is 27
10 less than 90 is ________
10 less than 90 is 80
10 more tha 69 is _____
10 more tha 69 is 79.
1 less than 55 is ______
1 less than 55 is 54
1 more than ______ is 75
1 more than 74 is 75
1 less than _______ is 62
1 less than 63 is 62
73 is 10 more than _______
73 is 10 more than 63
24 is 10 less than _____
24 is 10 less than 34
10 more than 85 is ??
10 more than 85 is 95
The number that is 1 less than 50
1 less than 50 is 49
The number that is 1 more than 35
1 more than 35 is 36