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Going Shopping

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is thinner?
Captain America is thinner than Hulk.
Unscramble the sentence.
The wallet is more expensive than the belt.
Unscramble the sentence
The bracelet is more popular than the dress.
Which one is faster, the rocket or the hot air balloon?
The rocket is faster than the hot air balloon.
Who is stronger?
Hulk is stronger than Captain America.
Which one is the thickest?
The jacket is the thickest.
Who is taller?
____________ is taller than ____________.
Who is the most popular?
__________ is the most popular.
Which one is more popular, the ring or the necklace?
The ring is more popular than the necklace.
Which one is the most expensive?
The wallet is the most expensive.
Which one is the most colorful?
The bracelet is the most colorful.
Which one is more comfortable?
The T-shirt is more comfortable than the jacket.
Which one is the most popular?
The wallet is the most popular.
Which ons is more colorful?
The dress is more colorful than the T-shirt.
Which one is thinner?
The blouse is thinner than the sweatwer.
Which one is cheaper, the cap or the belt?
The cap is cheaper than the belt.
Which one is the most popular?
The bracelet is the most popular.
Which one is more expensive?
The skirt is more expensive than the dress.