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Poland's Culture and History

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What colors are in the flag of Poland?
White and red
Name two organizations that Poland has joined in 1997 and 2004.
16 December 1997: Poland joins NATO, 1 May 2004: Poland joins European Union
Which area in Poland where people have their own language, traditions and food? A. Warsaw B. Gda艅sk C. Kaszuby
C. Kaszuby
J贸zef Pi艂sudski played an important part during which period of history? A. 10th century B. World War I C. World War II
B. World War I
Which battle did King W艂adys艂aw Jagie艂艂o win? A. Battle with Teutonic knights B. Battle with German C. Battle in WW1
A. Battle with Teutonic knights
Which astronomer who said that the Earth rotates around the Sun?
Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.
When was the Battle of Grunwald (the battle with Teutonic knights)? A. 1420 B. 1415 C. 1410
C. 1410
What is Auschwitz?
Auschwitz is a concentration camp (where the Germans killed millions of people during World War II)
Where did the Polish Round Table Talks take place? A. Krak贸w B. Warsaw C. Wroc艂aw
B. Warsaw
What did Marie Curie conduct pioneering research on?
She conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.
Who ended the Communist rule in Poland? A. Lech Wa艂臋sa B. J贸zef Pi艂sudski C. Andrzej Duda
A. Lech Wa艂臋sa
Who was the first king of Poland? A. W艂adys艂aw Jagie艂艂o B. J贸zef Pi艂sudski C. Boles艂aw Chrobry
C. Boles艂aw Chrobry
When is the Independence Day of Poland? A. November 10th B. November 11th C. November 14th
B. November 11th
From 1772 to 1795, when there was the Partition of Poland, Poland was divided into how many parts?
Poland was divided into three parts
What is one of the major cities in Poland? A. Krak贸w B. Lublin C. G艂og贸w
A. Krak贸w