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Sacrament of Baptism

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sacrament of baptism is the birth and foundation of the Christian life of ____________
Baptism provides access to the other ________________
As as baptized Christian, our mission is to ____________
(Answer may vary)
As as baptized Christian, our mission is to ____________
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As as baptized Christian, our mission is to ____________
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Give one of the gifts of baptism
(Answer may vary)
Give one of the gifts of baptism
(Answer may vary)
Give one of the gifts of baptism
(Answer may vary)
Give one of the gifts of baptism
(Answer may vary)
Give one of the gifts of baptism
(Answer may vary)
Give one of the gifts of baptism
(Answer may vary)
What does water symbolize in sacrament of baptism?
washes away our original sins
What does the dove symbolize in Baptism?
Holy Spirit
What did the voice from above said about Jesus after baptizing Him?
This is my son and I love Him very much
What did Jesus reply to Joseph when Joseph refused to baptize Jesus?
I want to set an example to everyone
What did Joseph the Baptist tell to Jesus when he was asked to baptize Jesus?
You should be the one to baptize me
What was Joseph the Baptist doing when Jesus arrived?
Baptizing people
In the baptism of Jesus, who baptized Him?
Joseph the Baptist
It is performed on young children and is accompanied by name giving