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classroom terms 课室用语+赞美的话

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Capable, Fabulous! Awesome
很行,很赞 (hěn xíng , hěn zàn)
I am proud of you.
我以你为荣!(wǒ yǐ nǐ wéi róng)
You are Terrific/fabulous.
你好棒/你真棒!(nǐ zhēn bàng)
Good job! / Well done!
做得好(zuòde hǎo)
take your time
别着急,慢慢来!(bié zháo jí , màn màn lái)
Good bye
再见! (zàijiàn)
Thank you.
谢谢 (xièxie)
Sorry, I am late.
对不起,我迟到了。(duìbuqǐ,wǒ chídào le.)
Can I go to the restroom?
我可以去厕所/洗手间吗?(wǒ kěyǐ qù cè suǒ/xǐshǒujiān ma?)
Please look here.
请看这里! (qǐng kàn zhèlǐ)
Open your book to page ...
打开书到第__页 。(dǎkāi shū dào dì ___ yè)
为什么? (wèi shénme)
How do you pronounce this word?
这个字怎么念? ( zhège zì zěn me niàn?)
I understand.
我懂了。(Wǒ dǒngle.)
I have a question.
我有一个问题。(Wǒ yǒu yígè wèntí。)
Please answer the questions
请回答问题。(qǐng huídá wèntí)
Please say it again
请再说一次/再说一遍。(Qǐng zài shuō yí cì/zài shuō yí biàn)
Please say it slower.
请说慢点。(Qǐng shuō màn diǎn)
You speak.
你说。(Nǐ shuō)
I listen
我听。(Wǒ tīng)
you read
你念。(Nǐ niàn )
Read after me
跟我念。(Gēn wǒ niàn)
Next one
下一个。 (xià yīgè )
复习。 (fùxí)
May I ask...
Any questions?
有没有问题?(Yǒu méiyǒu wèntí? )
Does it make sense ?
懂了吗?(Dǒngle ma ? )
Which part do you not understand?
哪里不懂?(Nǎlǐ bùdǒng?)
I do not understand.
我不懂/我不明白。(Wǒ bù dǒng/wǒ bù míngbai)
担心 (dān xīn),着急(zháo jí)