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Experimental Design

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When should I use a fire extinguisher?
When a non-living item catches on fire
When should I use the fire blanket?
When a person is on fire (after I stop drop and roll of course)
When dealing with heat, glass, or chemicals I need these...
Goggles, gloves, aprons
What does this symbol represent?
Poisonous chemical warning
What does this symbol represent?
Glass hazard
What does this symbol represent?
Chemical is corrosive
What does this symbol represent?
Safety Goggles needed to protect eyes & face
What does this symbol represent?
Fire safety, flammable
Which fish food brand made the fish grow the longest?
Using the graph below, how many levels of independent variable are there?
Give one example of quantitative data
grams, meters, liters, etc.
Give one example of qualitative data
Color, texture, smell, taste, etc.
Using the graph, what is the dependent variable?
Final length of fish
Using the graph, what is the independent variable?
Food Brand
What kind of graph is shown below?
Bar graph
Experiment Question: Is a classroom noisier when the teacher leaves the room? State the constants
Same classroom, Same students, Same time of day/Block
Experiment Question: Is a classroom noisier when the teacher leaves the room? State the dependent variable
Noise level
Experiment Question: Is a classroom noisier when the teacher leaves the room? State the independent variable
Teacher Location
What is the group called that we use to compare our data back to?
Control Group
What are the different groups that are tested during the experiment?
Levels of independent variable
What is the part that doesn't change during the experiment?
What is the variable that is measured during an experiment?
Dependent variable
What is the variable that is changed during an experiment?
Independent Variable