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P100 Unit I Exam Review
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What is double jeopardy?
Being tried for the same crime twice in a court of law
What are public order crimes considered?
What region of the U.S. has the highest homicide rate?
T/F: Children 12 & under are permitted to use the NCVS
In the 1980s & '90s, there was a new policy in CJUS that focused on _____ (get tough policies).
-Mandatory minimums -3 strikes -Stricter sentencing guidelines
Draw the consensus & conflict perspectives on the board with their corresponding superhero (give one characteristic of each)
Consensus- Iron Man- people consent to its existence, give up some rights for the good of society/the system Conflict- Cap. America; system is out for itself
T/F: Generally speaking, offenders & victims are the same race & gender
T/F: Police agencies in the U.S. are required to give their data to the UCR
Draw the burden of proof scale on the board
Order: Reasonable suspicion, probable cause, preponderance of the evidence, clear & convincing evidence, (presumption) beyond a reasonable doubt
"Treatment" can happen in what kind of data collection?
Experimental data collection (think of the Stanford Prison Experiment or the Milgram Experiment)
According to the ________ model, the powerful people in society define what behaviors are criminal
The conflict model of social control
A quick-fix solution to serious problems using political means is called the:
Magic bullet solution
Which burden of proof comes first on the scale?
Reasonable suspicion
Preponderance of the evidence refers to which amount of assurance? (0% to 99% positive that someone is guilty)
a little over 50% sure
Who has the burden of proof in criminal cases? Who has the burden of proof in civil cases?
Criminal: the prosecutor (or the state) Civil: the plaintiff (the one who is suing the defendant0
T/F: Torts & damages are heard in civil/claims court
What standard is used to establish insanity as a criminal defense? (This is also known as the right-wrong test)
M'Naughten standard
T/F: Part I crimes are more serious offenses, and Part II crimes are lesser offenses
Part I offenses of the UCR are also called ____ crimes.
The National Crime Victimization Survey is sponsored by the ____
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
T/F: The "dark figure of crime" is accounted for in the Wedding Cake Model of crime
What is the body of crime? (Latin term)
"Corpus delecti"
What is the term for a felony crime that can be reduced to a misdemeanor?
A wobbler
The act of committing a crime, also called "guilty act", is ____ (Latin term)
"Actus reus"
The intent to commit a crime, or the guilty mind, is also called ___ (Latin term)
"Mens rea"
"Mens rea" & "actus rea" present at the same time within a crime means that ____ is established.
What is the Latin term that refers to precedents & their value in the court system?
"Stare decisis"
What does the "hierarchy rule" of the UCR mean/refer to?
The hierarchy rule refers to the aspect of the UCR that deals with how it reports crimes. The UCR only reports the most serious crime committed.
"An eye for an eye" in Latin is:
"Lex talionis"
In order for data to be considered useful, it must be both ___ & ____
Reliable & valid
Which database for criminal information is the most widely known in the U.S.?
The UCR (Uniform Crime Reports)
T/F: Violating a social norm (also called deviance) is considered a criminal act
T/F: A social norm describes how people are supposed to act in a given soceity
Why are "mala prohibita" crimes considered criminal?
Because these specific crimes violate a society's particular law system
T/F: The criminal justice system treats every individual the same, regardless of economic status, race, & gender
What is the purpose of the Criminal Justice Funnel Model?
It illustrates how cases are funneled through the criminal justice system (including cops, courts, & corrections)
Which U.S. Constitutional amendments contain the right to due process?
5th & 14th Amendments
Which view/perspective of criminal justice is concerned with making sure offenders receive their Constitutional rights?
Due process perspective
What are the 3 C's of Criminal Justice?
Cops Courts Corrections
Which of the following crimes CANNOT be measured by the National Crime Victimization Survey? A: Rape/sexual assault B: Theft C: Arson D: Murder
D: Murder
The UCR, Supplemental Homicide Reports, & NIBRS information is gathered by the:
The quote that describes the media's desire to increase ratings is:
"if it bleeds, it leads"
T/F: The term that describes how the media distorts the public's perception of crime is called "framing"
Give an example of a "mala prohibita" crime
Drug use/possession, weapons charges, prostitution, white collar crimes, parking violations, etc.
List the levels of the Wedding Cake Model
Level I: Celebrated cases Level II: Serious felonies Level III: Lesser felonies Level IV: Misdemeanors
Which type of law is generally formed by judges' decisions made in court?
Case law
What is the term that completes the following sentence? Reparations were paid to the family by the offender. This means that _____ has taken place.
Arson & aggravated assault are examples of which level in the Wedding Cake Model?
Serious felonies (Level II of the Wedding Cake Model)
What is an example of a "mala en se" crime?
Murder, rape, theft (both robbery & burglary)
"Mala en se" translates to:
"Evil unto itself"