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Air Pollution

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Burning (Fires) are the leading cause of air pollution. Give at least 3 examples humans burning things
Generating Electrictiy, Motor Vehicles, Burning Trash, Household fires, or ...........
What is the biggest cause of air pollution?
Burning (Fires)
Humans can create a large amount of DUST with our activities, give an example of how we do this?
Construction or Vehicles or .........
What are some examples of substances we SPRAY DIRECTLY INTO THE AIR?
Cleaning products, Beauty products, Spray Paint, Fertilizers, Pesticides
What are THREE causes of Natural causes of Air Pollution
Dust Storms, Vocanic Eruptions & Forrest Fires
How can we protect ourself from air pollution when we go outside?
Wear a mask
What does PM2.5 mean?
Very, very small particles of air pollution in the air
What does purple color mean in the AQI?
Very Unhealthy
What does orange color mean in the AQI?
Unhealthy for sensitive groups
What does yellow color mean in the AQI?
Moderate Air Quality
What does red color mean in the AQI?
What does maroon/burgundy color mean in the AQI?
Hazardous Air Quality
What does green mean for AQI?
Good air quality
What does AQI stand for?
Air Quality Index
Roughly how many people die in Vietnam from air pollution every year?
More than 50,000
Is air pollution bad for our health?
Yes. Air pollution is bad for yout health in many ways.
What is "The contamination of the air because of substances being added to the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate."
Air Pollution
How much of the air is oxygen?
What makes up more than 75% of the air?
What state of matter is the air?