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Voabulary 6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. Prison: a building where criminals are forced to live as a punishment.
2. Noun
1. Battle: a fight between armed forces.
2. Noun
1. Should: used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do.
2. Modal Verb
1. Prepare: to make or get something or someone ready for something that will happen in the future.
2. Verb
1. Mirror: a piece of glass with a shiny, metal-covered back that reflects light, producing an image of whatever is in front of it.
2. Noun
1. Contact: communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly.
2. Noun
1. Visual: relating to seeing.
2. Adjective
1. Mistake: an action, decision, or judgment that produces an unwanted or unintentional result.
2. Noun
1. Category: (in a system for dividing things according to appearance, quality, etc.) a type, or a group of things having some features that are the same
2. Noun
1. Relationship: the way in which two things are connected.
2. Noun
1. Gather: to collect several things, often from different places or people.
2. Verb
1. Improve: to (cause something to) get better.
1. Talk: to say words aloud; to speak to someone.
2. Verb
1. Invisible: impossible to see.
2. Adjective
1. Unavoidable: impossible to avoid.
2. Adjective
1. Contact lens: a small round curved piece of transparent plastic, worn on the surface of the eye to improve your sight.
2. Noun