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Personal Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? (2 activities)
I enjoy ... (+V-ing) ex: reading, drawing, doing sport, playing football, hanging out with my friends, listening to music ...
What would you like to do when you grow up? (make a sentence)
I don't know yet / I'd like to be a ... / I'd like to work with ...
How many brothers and sisters do you have? (make a sentence)
I have ... brothers and sisters / I don't have (any) ... siblings
Where is your family from originally? (make a sentence)
(Originally) my family is from... (and...)
Where do you live in Paris? (make a sentence)
I live in the 18th / 9th / 17th /... district
How old are you? (make a sentence)
I am...
Ask for confirmation: You went to the beach last Summer, ...?
didn't you?
Ask for confirmation: You love weekends, ...?
don't you?
Ask for confirmation: You have read all the One Piece mangas, ...?
haven't you?
Ask for confirmation: Your parents will be proud of you, ...?
won't they?
Ask for confirmation: You can speak Spanish, ...?
can't you?
Ask for confirmation: Blue is your favourite colour, ...?
isn't it?
Ask for confirmation: You're not French, ...?
are you?
Ask for confirmation: You'd like to get good grades this year, ...?
wouldn't you?
Ask for confirmation: Your sister lives in San Francisco, ...?
doesn't she?
Ask for confirmation: Your dog is called Rex, ...?
isn't he?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: Spain
Did you go to Spain last Summer? / during the Summer holiday?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: Montmartre
Do you live in Montmartre?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: 3
Do you have 3 children?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: Thailand
Would you like to go to Thailand? / Is Thailand a country you would love to visit?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: Metal
Is Metal the kind of music you hate the most? / like the least?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: Chokapic
Is Chokapic your cat's name? / Is your cat called Chokapic? / Do you have a cat called Chokapic?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: Star Trek
Is Star Trek the TV series you like the most? / Is Star Trek your favourite TV series?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: 13
Have you been a teacher at Jules Ferry School for 13 years?
Ask a yes / no question to solve your teacher's mystery portrait: red
Is red your favourite colour?
The answer is "I'd like to be a vet". What is the question?
What would you like to do when you grow up / in the future?
The answer is "Listening to music and playing video games". What is the question?
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
The answer is "2 brothers and 2 sisters". What is the question?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
The answer is "No, I don't. I'm an only child". What is the question?
Do you have (any) brothers and sisters / siblings?
The answer is "My family? from Canada". What is the question?
Where is your family from?
The answer is "in New York City". What is the question?
Where do you live?
The answer is "15 years old". What is the question?
How old are you?