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Japanese review quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of Japanese Boys day ?
Tango no Sekku
What is the name of Japanese dolls day?
What animal is important for boys day?
Carp (fish)
When is Japanese boys day?
5th may
What color are the sweets girls get on girls day?
Pink white and grees
What gift do girls get on Girls day?
2 dolls and sweet rice cake
What family member is the day for ?
What is the English name for Hinamatsuri (girls day)?
Doll day
When is Japanese Grils day
3rd may
What is the Japanese national flower?
Sakura (peach blossom)
What to do Japanese people traditionally wear on their feet?
Geta (sandals, slippers)
Name you name 3 thing Japanese people like to eat or drink?
Sushi, Miso, Sukiyaki, Udon noodle, Milk tea, green teas,
What is the population of Japan ?
127 million (to the nearest 10 million)
Name the japanese sport.
Sumo wrestling
What language is spoken in Japan ?
What are the traditionally Japanese clothes boy and girls wear ?
Describe the Japanese flag.
A red sun in a white sky