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S2 Diary of a Wimpy Kid

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is bad to _____________ someone in school. a. enthusiastic b. humiliate c. decent
b. humilate
It is bad to _____________ someone in school. a. enthusiastic b. humiliate c. decent
b. humilate
Why was Independent Study canceled for the rest of the year?
Because Greg's friends were listing bad words that robots would not say, but the teacher saw the sheet of paper and thought they did something bad.
What was the Independent Study assignment/ project?
to think of some ideas of your own robot
TRUE/FALSE: The girls in school really cared about Rowley's broken arm.
Where was the video game that Greg's mom bought for him?
Mom sent the wrong package so the Giving Tree guy received that video game.
What did Greg actually receive for Christmas gift?
a woolen sweater
What did Greg want for Christmas present?
a video game
In order to become the best student, you need a lot of ______________________. a. dedication b. appropriate c. humiliate
What was the name Manny call Greg when he was on the stage that made him feel ashamed?
TRUE/FALSE: Greg enjoyed singing in the show.
What role did Rodney play in the show?
Why did Greg want to be a tree in the musical show?
Because he wanted to throw apples at Patty
What role did Greg want to play in the show?
TRUE/FALSE: Greg really wanted to be on the musical play?
What things did Greg use to make the barbells and bench press
barbell: fillied empty milk and orange juice jugs with sand bench press: ironing board and some boxes
Why did Greg want to gain some muscles?
Because he wanted to be in the same team as large, muscular kids.
How did Greg plan to learn some wrestling moves?
From video games
Why did Greg want a Barbie Dream House for Christmas this year?
Because he wanted to use it as an awesome fort for his toy soldiers.
Tell one perk of being a safety patrol.
-free hot chocolate -show up ten minutes late for first period -show up late in Pre-Algebra class