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Rose __________ (wear) her raincoat, but she __________ (forget) to take her umbrella with her. She will get back home quickly to get it.
Rose has worn her raincoat, but she has forgotten to take her umbrella with her. She will get back home quickly to get it.
________ you ever ________ (drive) a Ferrari in your life? It must be a nice experience.
Have you ever driven a Ferrari in your life? It must be a nice experience.
Willie’s brother, Roy ___________ (read) quite a lot of story books since the beginning of the summer holiday. He is such a bookworm.
Willie’s brother, Roy has read quite a lot of story books since the beginning of the summer holiday. He is such a bookworm.
The secretary ___________ (write) the emails but she ___________ (not send) them yet. She needs to make a few changes.
The secretary has written the emails but she hasn't sent them yet. She needs to make a few changes.
Gloria, ________ you ________ (wash) your hands yet? The breakfast is ready.
Gloria, have you washed your hands yet? The breakfast is ready.
You can bring the food. I___________ (set) the table and I am starving at the moment.
You can bring the food. I have set the table and I am starving at the moment.
There is a car accident on the street in front of the bookshop. Carl and Terry ____________ (call) the police, but the officers ___________ (not arrive) yet.
There is a car accident on the street in front of the bookshop. Carl and Terry have called the police, but the officers haven't arrived yet.
Mr. Perez ___________ (vacuum) the floor, but he ____________ (not dust) the furniture yet.
Mr. Perez has vacuumed the floor, but he hasn't dusted the furniture yet.
My parents ___________ (stay) at a luxurious hotel in Madrid since last weekend.
My parents have stayed at a luxurious hotel in Madrid since last weekend.
This old building ___________ (stand) here for about two hundred fifty years. It’s so old.
This old building has stood here for about two hundred fifty years. It’s so old.
My cousin, Virginia ___________ (plant) twelve pine trees in the forest so far today.
My cousin, Virginia has planted twelve pine trees in the forest so far today.
The footballers ____________ (not play) well enough. We may lose this match in the end.
The footballers haven't played well enough. We may lose this match in the end.
We _________ (receive) a strange letter from Egypt. It’s written in Arabic language.
We have received a strange letter from Egypt. It’s written in Arabic language.
Lawrence ______________ (won) one hundred thousand dollars from the lottery recently.
Lawrence has won one hundred thousand dollars from the lottery recently.
Peter and I ___________ (not see) each other for about two weeks. I will visit him soon.
Peter and I haven't seen each other for about two weeks. I will visit him soon.
I ___________ (brush) my teeth and ________ (wear) my pyjamas. I can go to bed now.
I have brushed my teeth and worn my pyjamas. I can go to bed now.
Judy and Max __________ (water) the flowers, but they _________ (not feed)the sheep yet.
Judy and Max have watered the flowers, but they haven't fed the sheep yet.
______ your grandma _______ (bake) the cake yet? I can’t wait to taste it.
has your grandma baked the cake yet? I can’t wait to taste it.
My father ___________ (not arrive) home yet. We are waiting for him patiently for dinner.
My father hasn't arrived home yet. We are waiting for him patiently for dinner.
The children __________ (finish) painting their pictures. They are having a rest now.
The children have finished painting their pictures. They are having a rest now.
Frank’s sisters ________ just _________ (go) out. They will visit the city museum.
Frank’s sisters have just gone out. They will visit the city museum.
Our cat, Bella ___________ (not drink) anything for hours. You had better give her some water.
Our cat, Bella hasn't drunk anything for hours. You had better give her some water.
My mum ___________ (not phone) me since last Saturday. I need to talk to her immediately.
My mum hasn't phoned me since last Saturday. I need to talk to her immediately.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill __________ (watch) all the one hundred episodes of this series since June.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill have watched all the one hundred episodes of this series since June.
The chief police officer __________ (question) all the bank staff about the robbery.
The chief police officer has questioned all the bank staff about the robbery.
Oh, Helen! You mother is so worried about you. Where ________ you ________ (be)?
Oh, Helen! You mother is so worried about you. Where have you been?
I ___________ (not do) the laundry yet. I don’t have any clean t-shirts in my wardrobe now.
I haven't done the laundry yet. I don’t have any clean t-shirts in my wardrobe now.
Benjamin _________ already __________ (eat) dinner. I don’t think he is hungry now.
Benjamin has already eaten dinner. I don’t think he is hungry now.
Alan and Beverly ____________ (live) in this old house for more than twenty-five years.
Alan and Beverly have lived in this old house for more than twenty-five years.
Brenda __________ (read) this novel four times before. She must have have liked it so much.
Brenda has read this novel four times before. She must have have liked it so much.
________ you ever ________ (meet) a famous person in your life? It must be exciting!
Have you ever met a famous person in your life? It must be exciting!
Where ______ Charles and Betty _______ (go) ? I knocked their door, nobody opened it.
Where have Charles and Betty gone? I knocked their door, nobody opened it.
Now that I ___________ (finish) my homework, my friend and I can play on the playground.
Now that I have finished my homework, my friend and I can play on the playground.
Mrs. Torres ____________ (not hear) the alarm clock. She is two hours late for work.
Mrs. Torres hasn't heard the alarm clock. She is two hours late for work.
The Jacksons ___________ (paint) their fence recently. Their garden looks amazing.
The Jacksons have painted their fence recently. Their garden looks amazing.
Who ____________ (break) the vase on the big table in the kitchen? My mum will get furious.
Who has broken the vase on the big table in the kitchen? My mum will get furious.
My grandmother ____________ (buy) some new furniture for her house in Newcastle.
My grandmother has bought some new furniture for her house in Newcastle.
I _____________ (not see) the film “Titanic” yet.
I haven't seen the film “Titanic” yet.