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End of book discussion

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you were to write the ending yourself, what would you have changed?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Which character was the most interesting to you? Why?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Was the ending as you expected?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Do you think it was a happy ending? Why/Why not?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
What were your favourite parts in the story?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Did you like the ending of the book? Why/Why not?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Do you think Carla helped Bradley in the end? Explain why or why not.
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Describe the ending. What happened? Did you like the ending?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Mention at least 3 characters in the book, and how they are related.
Mention the 4 characters and their relation.
Name at least 3 themes in the book.
Mention the 3 themes.
Say a phrase or sentence that summarises the main story of the book.
Say the sentence.
Think of one word to describe the novel.
Mention the word
Name a song that could reflect the end of the novel. Explain your choice.
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Summarise the story of the book. Pretend you are summarising it to someone who has not read it.
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Bradley was angry with Carla because she was leaving. Talk about a time when you were angry.
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Bradley had a good time at Colleen´s birthday party. Talk about a fun birthday party you have been to.
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Did Bradley and Jeff have a good time at Colleen´s birthday party? What did they do?
Talk about the topic for 30 secs
Do you think Bradley will continue to be good? Explain why or why not.
Talk about the topic for 30 secs