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Atomic Structure Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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T or F. Carbon-14 and Nitrogen-14 are isotopes of each other because their mass numbers are the same.
T or F. Oxygen-18 and Fluorine-19 have the same number of neutrons.
How many protons, electrons, and neutrons does a neutral atom with an atomic number of 50 and a mass number of 120 contain?
50 protons, 50 electrons, 70 neutrons
How many neutrons are in the nucleus of iodine-131?
How many neutrons does an atom with an atomic mass of 9 and an atomic number of 5 contain?
How are ions formed?
By adding or taking away an electron from an atom
By knowing the number of protons a neutral atom has, you should be able to determine
two of these
the number of neutrons in the neutral atom
the number of electrons in the neutral atom
the name of the atom
Which one of the following statements about atomic structure is false?
Proton & neutron number is always the same in a neutral atom
An atom is mostly empty space.
Almost all of the mass of the atom is in the nucleus
Protons and neutrons in the nucleus are very tightly packed
The number of valence electrons for elements in Group 16 is _____.
What does the number 84 in Krypton-84 represent?
the mass number
Isotopes of the same element can differ in
mass number/number of neutrons
Which scientist discovered the electron?
An element has an atomic number of 80. How many protons and electrons are in a neutral atom of this element?
80 protons and 80 electrons
According to Dalton's postulates, how do atoms relate to elements?
Atoms of one element differ from atoms of other element
The same atom may be part of 2 or more elements
All elements are composed of atom & all atoms are identical
None of the above
What particles form the nucleus of an atom?
protons and neutrons
How many valence electrons does this element have?
What element is represented by the Bohr model?