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diagnostic test 3º ESO

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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VOCABULARY: My cousin likes to meet new people and make lots of friends. He’s very f____________________.
VOCABULARY: Sometimes my brother doesn’t want to do any work. He can be very l__________________ sometimes.
VOCABULARY: The only one I can talk to when I have problems is my friend Judy. She's very c_____________________.
VOCABULARY: Maurice is a very m_________________ young man for his age. He never fools around and is always serious.
VOCABULARY: I feel very n__________________ before a test.
VOCABULARY: The judge was f________________ to both sides, so everyone was happy.
VOCABULARY: I hate our headmaster. She's a very b______________ person who orders everyone around.
I like / I am liking my job a lot more now than when I started.
I like
Hurry up – everyone is waiting / waits for you!
is waiting
The tram that is coming / comes full, but I think that the next one is coming / comes in seven minutes.
is coming; comes
I like / am liking Italian food.
We think / are thinking of painting the house pink.
are thinking
I want / am wanting to visit him when I am in Kathmandu.
My father is enjoying / enjoys training the dolphins at the zoo.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: ________________ they ________________ to radio now? (listen)
Are they listening
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: The cat ________________ on the carpet. (not lie)
isn't lying
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: I ________________ on the sofa. (not sit)
I'm not sitting
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: What ________________ you ________________ here? (do)
are you doing
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: ________________ Phil ________________ the exercise? (explain)
Is Phil explaining
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: We ________________ nice photos. (take)
are taking
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: He ________________ her name. (not shout)
isn't shouting
MUCH / MANY: I don’t drink______________wine.
MUCH / MANY: How_______toasts do you eat?
MUCH / MANY: There is__________rain in England.
MUCH / MANY: How ___________________do you eat?
MUCH / MANY: There are_________roses in the garden.
MUCH / MANY: I don’t eat_________________.
MUCH / MANY: There is ___________work to do.
SOME / ANY / A / AN: There are _____________ good books that you should read.
SOME / ANY / A / AN: Is there _____________ office near here?
SOME / ANY / A / AN: There isn't _____________ shopping centre in this little town.
SOME / ANY / A / AN: Are there _____________ parents in that party?
SOME / ANY / A / AN: There are _____________ postcards on this table for you.
SOME / ANY / A / AN: There are _____________ beautiful gardens, but there aren’t any fountains.
SOME / ANY / A / AN: There's _____________ airport next to the city.
PRESENT SIMPLE: Alexis and her husband always _____________ (come) for the summer.
PRESENT SIMPLE: She _____________ (have) many friends.
PRESENT SIMPLE: They _____________ (not work) for us.
don't work
PRESENT SIMPLE: _____ (you watch) movies?
Do you watch
PRESENT SIMPLE: They _____________ at birds. (look)
PRESENT SIMPLE: Emma _____________ in the lessons. (dream)
PRESENT SIMPLE: We _____________ our dog. (call)
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ many children there.
There were
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ any chocolate biscuits. (Negative)
There weren't
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ a music festival in your town?
Was there
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ any money in her wallet (Negative)
There wasn't
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ music at their party?
Was there
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ a lot of people in New York.
There were
THERE WAS / THERE WERE: ____ a birthday cake.
There was
THERE IS / THERE ARE: Is there / Are there a bookcase?
Is there
THERE IS / THERE ARE: There isn’t a / There aren´t any milk in the fridge.
There isn't
THERE IS / THERE ARE: There isn’t / There aren’t any pencils on the table.
There aren't
THERE IS / THERE ARE: Is there / Are there a teacher in the classroom?
Is there
THERE IS / THERE ARE: Is there / Are there any windows in the kitchen?
Are there
THERE IS / THERE ARE: There’s / There are four chairs in the living room.
There are
THERE IS / THERE ARE: There’s / There are a TV.