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All about Ancient Egypt!

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Who trapped Osiris and then cut him into 14 pieces?
His brother, Seth.
Which god was the first to be mummified by the god Anubis?
Cleopatra had 3 children with a Roman General named Mark Anthony. Is this true or false?
Cleopatra is thought to have offered stored grain to people in the city during a bad drought. What does drought mean?
A long time without rainfall that leads to a shortage in water.
Where were Cleopatra's family originally from?
Who was Cleopatra VII?
The last ruler of Ancient Egypt.
The Ancient Egyptian period started 50,000 years ago. Is this true or false?
False, it began 5,000 years ago.
Why was the Nile so important to the Egyptians?
It was a source of water for them, so they could grow crops and feed animals. It also flooded every year and left behind fresh soil for more crops to grow.
What is the name of the River that flows through Egypt?
The River Nile
Inside King Tut's tomb, they found over 3000 treasures. True or false?
How do we know that King Tut died very suddenly?
Not all of the walls in his tomb were carved or painted
Who found King Tut's tomb?
Howard Carter