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c1 unit 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I __________(learn) German for three years next Friday
will have been learning
By next October he _________(teach) French for 10 years
will have been teaching
I saw many puddles. it ______(rain)?
Had it been raining?
We ________(work) hard and managed to finish the project in time.
had been working
I______(type) this text for 2 hours and then found it on the Internet.
had been typing
We ___(introduce) the new flextime system from next month
will be introducing
The job-shae arrangements ____(work) well in practice
are working
The company ______( adapt) very well to flrxible working practicies
is adaptng
Currently getting on for a quarter of our staff ____________(choose) to work part time
are choosing
More female staff ____(return) to work after maternity leave
are returning
Both of them _______(commute) for 3 hours each day whan they were students.
were commuting
I _________(work) at home since march 2019
have been working
Flexible working ________ (become) more and more popular
is becoming
Flying a plane is different... a) of a car's drive b) to drive a car c) from driving a car
.....lions, tigers love water a) Opposing b) Unlike c)Dislike
A flat in Benidorm is not so........a) much expensive as one in Manhattan b) expensive as one in Manhattan c)more expensive as one in Manhattan
The harder you try............ a) more you will learn b) the more you will learn c)as more you learn
The older you get... a)as soon you get tired b)the sooner you get tired c) tired the soonest
Buying a house is getting... a) more and more difficult b) the most difficult c) considerably difficult
time and again
many times
time drags
time goes slowly
up to speed
Explain : with hindsight
looking back in time