Edit Game
Grade 6 - Unit 1.5 - Family History and Ancestry

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the missing word. Wembley stadium has the ________ to hold over 100,000 people. a) effective b) capacity c) associate d) express
b) capacity
Fill in the missing word. His ______ at the wedding was emotional and deeply moving. a) speech b) communicate c) cruical d) express
a) speech
Fill in the missing word. It is useful to speak ________ languages when travelling. a) development b) neural c) complex d) multiple
d) multiple
Fill in the missing word. Hominids had ________ tools that they used to hunt. a) development b) neural c) complex d) capacity
c) complex
Fill in the missing word. Hominids had the ______ connections in their brain necessary for the tongue, chest and diaphragm to work together for speech.. a) genes b) neural c) nucleus d) DNA
b) neural
Fill in the missing word. At some point, _______ more than 600,000 years ago, our ancestors were probably able to use multiple words to communicate. a) perhaps b) effective c) genes d) development
a) perhaps
Fill in the missing word. I am travelling to the UK, so i need to _______ my VND into GB sterling. a) multiple b) develop c) associate d) convert
d) convert
Fill in the missing word. It is _______ for students to follow the rules to allow operations to run effectively. a) complex b) effective c) crucial d) express
c) crucial
Fill in the missing word. Reading books frequently is an _________ way of developing your English skill. a) complex b) effective c) articulate d) crucial
b) effective
Fill in the missing word. Early groups of humans, primates or apes are also known as ________. a) hominids b) ancestors c) young humans d) the first people
a) hominids
What is the correct defintion of a development? a) talking b) cells in your body that contain DNA c) the process of getting bigger or better d) to be linked with
c) the process of getting bigger or better
What is the correct defintion of a Neanderthal? a) young adult b) very early humans c) modern humans d) outer space beings
b) very early humans
What is the correct definition of articulate? a) to be linked with b) difficult or complicated c) getting bigger and better d) to speak clearly and with clarity
d) to speak clearly and with clarity
What is the correct definition of associate (verb)? a) to be linked with b) difficult or complicated c) getting bigger and better d) to speak clearly and with clarity
a) to be linked with
What is the correct definition of a fossil? a) more than one b) the remains of a plant or animal from history c) apes or primates d) to be linked with
b) the remains of a plant or animal from history
What are the cells in your body that contain DNA?
Which word is defined as; 'the amount that something can hold'? a) multiple b) speech c) convert d) capacity
d) capacity
Which verb means 'to show something'? a) gesture b) neural c) express d) effective
c) express
Which word means 'difficult and complicated'? a) crucial b) complex c) neural d) multiple
b) complex
Which adjective means to speak clearly and with clarity? a) articulate b) express c) talking d) gesture
a) articulate
Which word is a synonym of speech? a) express b) neural c) talking d) gesture
c) talking
Which adjective means 'more than one'? a) articulate b) capacity c) associate d) multiple
d) multiple
Which verb means to change something? a) neural b) convert c) associate d) multiple
b) convert
Which word means to share information, news or ideas by making sound or using gestures? a) communicate b) associate c) express d) speech
a) communicate
Which word means a body move to express something? a) gesture b) complex c) crucial d) associate
a) gesture