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Human & Animal Digestive System

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which human's digestive organ can stretch and shrink?
What kind of muscle that work in human's esophagus?
voluntary muscle
How long is human's esophagus?
10 inches long.
What is the function of chicken's caeca/caecum?
It has the bacteria to help break down some of the undigested food.
What is the function of chicken's liver?
to break down substances, fats, and proteins.
In which organs where the nutrients is being absorbed to the bloodstream?
Small intestine
What are the organs of chicken's digestive system that same as human?
Esophagus, small intestine, and large intestine
What are the organs of cow's digestive system that same as human?
Small intestine and larga intestine
What is the organ that shown in part i?
What is the organ that shown in part h?
Large intestine
What is the organ that shown in part g?
What is the organ that shown in part f?
Small intestine
What is the organ that shown in part b?
Pouch 1
Which are the pouch 3 and 4?
Part d & e
What is the organ that shown in part a?