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Queen Elizabeth II

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When did the Queen die?
on the 8th September 2022
Why was the Queen so popular?
Because she worked hard and tried to serve her country as well as she could
Where did the Queen die?
at Balmoral Castle in Scotland
Who's the heir to the throne?
Prince Charles, the Queen's oldest son
Who's the Queen's successor?
her oldest son Charles has become King Charles III
For how long did the Queen stay on the throne?
for 70 years
Which animals did the Queen own - according to a strange law from the 14th century?
any dolphin or whale swimming in the sea around Britain
Name that strange present she got from Brazil.
a jaguar
How many letters and emails did the Queen receive during her reign?
more than 3 million
How many countries did the Queen visit during her reign? 119, 199 or 129?
129 countries
What were the Queen's hobbies (favourite pastimes)?
watching horse racing and photography
What kind of dogs did the Queen have?
Did the Queen ever give an interview?
No, she didn't.
Who was Prince Andrew, the Queen's son, named after?
after his grandfather, the Prince of Greece
At what age did the Queen get married?
at the age of 21
Name the Queen's four children.
Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward
Who was Queen Elizabeth's husband?
Prince Philip
Where did Queen Elizabeth have special lessons when she was a child?
at home
Did the Queen go to school as a child?
No, she didn't.
What kind of sport did the Queen enjoy?
What did the Queen study?
music and art
When did the Queen's coronation take place?
in 1953
In what year did Elizabeth II die?
in 2022
At what age did Queen Elizabeth die?
at the age of 96
When was Queen Elizabeth II born?
21st April 1926
What's the Queen's family name?
What are all the queen's first names?
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary