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Past continuous with "while"

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The power _______________________ (go) out while I _______________________ (brush) my hair.
The power went out while I was brushing my hair.
While the woman _______________________ (put) on her make-up, she _______________________ (hear) the crash.
While the woman was putting on her make-up, she heard the crash.
While the girl _______________________ (ride) on the bus, she _______________________ (hit) her head.
While the girl was riding on the bus, she hit her head.
While he _______________________ (drink) some water, the door _______________________ (open).
While he was drinking some water, the door opened.
The tornado _______________________ (hit) while the men _______________________ (walk) to work.
The tornado hit while the men were walking to work.
While I _______________________ (write) a letter to my sister, the doctor _______________________ (call).
While I was writing a letter to my sister, the doctor called.
While the family _______________________ (watch) a movie, the doorbell _______________________ (ring).
While the family was watching a movie, the doorbell rang.
It _______________________ (start) to rain while they _______________________ (study) English.
It started to rain while they were studying English.
While the little girl _______________________ (listen) to the rain, she _______________________ (fall) asleep.
While the little girl was listening to the rain, she fell asleep.
I _______________________ (cut) my arm while I _______________________ (talk) to my mother.
I cut my arm while I was talking to my mother.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the short action first.
_______ while ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the short action first.
_______ while ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the short action first.
_______ while ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the short action first.
_______ while ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the short action first.
_______ while ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the long action first.
While ________, ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the long action first.
While ________, ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the long action first.
While ________, ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the long action first.
While ________, ________.
Choose one long action and one short action. Make a sentence with the long action first.
While ________, ________.