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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate in French Lights
les lumières
Translate into French door
La porte
Translate in French snacks
La collation
Translate into French Lockers
les casiers
Translate to French: You're welcome
De rien
Translate to French: Goodbye / See you tomorrow
Au revoir! / À demain!
Translate to French: Thank you
Translate to French: How are you?
Comment ça va?
Translate to French: Hello
May I get something from my bag?
Est-ce que je peux chercher quelque chose de mon sac?
May I fill up my water bottle?
Est-ce que je peux remplir ma bouteille d'eau?
May I go to the office?
Est-ce que je peux aller au bureau?
May I get a drink?
Est-ce que je peux boire de l'eau?
How do you say in French? May I go to the bathroom?
Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?
Translate into English... La chemise
Translate into English... La salle de classe
Translate into English... la récréation
Translate into English... Le pupitre
The desk
Translate into English... La gomme
Translate into French... Pencil case
La trousse
Translate into French... Binder
Le classeur
Translate into French... Pencil
Le crayon
Translate into French...School bus
Translate into French... School