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Bye bye Summer

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Relative clauses. Her boyfriend is from Madrid. He is studying Maths.
Her boyfriend, who is from Madrid, is studying Maths
They ________ (get) lost if a stranger hadn’t shown them how to get there.
would have got
Reported speech. ‘I must be back by 9 p.m.’ She said she ________ be back by 9 p.m.
had to
Reported speech. ‘Have you been to Beijing?’ He asked me if I ________ to Beijing.
had been
Don’t eat anything now! Wait WHEN / UNTIL lunch is ready.
Your marks won’t get better UNLESS / IF you check your work more carefully.
3rd Conditional. If you ___ (eat) faster, we ___ (arrive) on time
If you HAD EATEN faster, we WOULD HAVE ARRIVED on time
Conditional. Most people would complain if they ________ (receive) service as bad as this.
Conditional. I’d be a fantastic drummer if I ________ (practise) more often.
WHILE / WHEREAS I was watching a film, my sister was doing her homework
We aren’t busy tonight, so we’ll CAN / COULD / BE ABLE TO come and help if you want.
we'll BE ABLE TO come
Correct the mistake: I’m not usually having pizza, but I’ll have some tonight.
I DON'T USUALLY HAVE pizza, but I’ll have some tonight.
Is it right or wrong?: I get up usually early every morning
Maria ________ (buy) a new car tomorrow.
is going to buy
I ________ (have) lunch with my sister at 1.00 today.
'm having