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Koekertaus OTG2 Units 1-2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's this island called?
Name at least five Australian cities.
Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Cairns, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart
"Käydä suihkussa" in English?
Take a shower
"Watch out for them" in Finnish?
varoa niitä/heitä
Translate: Menisin kotiin, jos voisin.
I would go home if I could.
Translate: Voisitko auttaa minua?
Could you help me?
Translate: Meidän ei pitäisi unohtaa.
We shouldn't forget.
"Jouluaattona" in English?
On Christmas eve
"Muovinen" in English?
Täydennä verbi oikeassa muodossa: Are you (kuuntelemassa) right now?
Täydennä verbi oikeassa muodossa: I (en ole nukkunut) at all.
haven't slept
Täydennä verbi oikeassa muodossa: This morning I (söin) porridge for breakfast.
Täydennä verbi oikeassa muodossa: Last weekend we (suuntasimme) to the beach.
"Kutsua käymään" in English?
Invite over
"Kerran kuussa" in English?
Once a month
"Sisäoppilaitos" in English?
a boarding school
Translate: "On ukkosmyrskyjä".
There are thunderstorms.
What animal is this?
a platypus
Translate: "If I were you, I would study harder".
Jos olisin sinä, opiskelisin ahkerammin.
Translate: "On tuulista ja pilvistä".
It's windy and cloudy.
What is the biggest city in Australia?
"Sataa räntää" in English?
It's sleeting.
Which seas / oceans surround Australia? Name at least one.
Indian ocean, Pacific ocean, Southern ocean, Coral sea
What's the name of this rock?
Uluru / Ayers Rock
What's the capital of Australia?