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Evidence in writing

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it evidence? When I went to the trip to ___ where ___.
Is it evidence? I believe that is not entirely true that ___.
Is it evidence? Tv networks wonder if/whether ___
Is it evidence? Many Americans sat that___.
Are video games as popular in rural places as in urban areas? Some readers ___
Some readers are discussing if video games are as popular in rural places as in urban areas.
Something is leisure if you choose to do it yourself. Dubner and Levitt ___.
Dubner and Levitt study study whether something is leisure if people choose to do it themselves.
What makes an activity work for one person and leisure for another? The authors ___.
The authors argue what makes an activity work for one person and leisure for another.
How must time do we spend doing work? Ramey and Francis ____
Ramey and Francis wonder how much time is spent on work.
Cooking food is less enjoyable than eating it. Most Americans feel ____.
Most Americans feel that cooking food is less enjoyable than eating it.
Every year, pumpkin growers gather near San Francisco to see ___ has grown the heaviest orange gourd.
Although most people would say ___ gardening is a hobby, for some it is almost a sport.