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The Jungle Book

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What did Shere Khan promise when he returned?
To kill Mowgli.
Why did Buldeo run away in fear?
He was afraid of Akela, and the idea that Mowgli was magical/ witch craft.
Who is Buldeo?
Buldeo is the village hunter.
Why was Kaa a good choice to help get Mowgli back?
The Bandar-log were scared of him as he hunted he monkeys. He could hypnotize, he was huge, hungry and deadly.
Mowgli plans to lay what at Council Rock? Tabaqui's hide Shere Kahn's hide Akela hide
Shere Kahn's hide
What caused the Bandar- log to want to kidnap Mowgli?
They thought he could teach them all sorts of useful things like building huts to protect them from the wind.
The Bandar-log monkey people are bad because ......
They can not be trusted, they have no laws, respect no one and fear no one.
Baloo wanted Mowgli to learn ... some of the laws just the laws of the wolves learn all of the laws
learn all of the laws
When Mowgli began to cry he thought he was..... happy sad dying living
Why did Bagheera want Mowgli to get the red flower?
To protect himself when Aklela is no longer the leader.
What is the RED FLOWER?
Where doe Bagheera believe that Mowgli will go one day?
Return back to the world of men.
What does Bagheera believe will be the effect of Aklea not leading?
The younger wolves believe that a man cub has no place in the pack?
Why must Mowgli never harm the water bafflo?
He had been accepted into the pack for the price of a water buffalo's life.
Why did Mowgli not trust the villagers?
Bagheera had shown him a trap made by men so well hidden that he nearly walked into it.
How did Mowgli win arguments at Council Rock?
He stared at the other wolves till they dropped their eyes.
What did mother believe would have been the effect of killing the man cub?
The village people would have come to kill her cubs as revenge, for killing the man cub.
What had the wolves stolen from Shere Kahn?
Man-cub Mowgli
What did Shere Kahn typically hunt? Why ?
Cattle / Bulls Because he was lame - had an injured leg and could not catch the faster prey/ animals.
"He will frighten all of the game for ten miles around" What is game?
Game is wild animals or prey
Why was father wolf upset with Shere Kahn in chapter 1?
Shere Kahn had shifted his hunting grounds and father wolf believes he will frighten the game for 10 miles around. He is also wanted to eat the man child.
What did Tabaqui do when he was mad? Yelled at others or Biting everything in his way
Biting everything in his way
Why did the wolves of India despise Tabaqui?
He ran around making mischief, telling tales and eating rags from the rubbish heaps.
How many cubs did mother wolf have when she took in Mowgli?