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Le 14 juillet

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The French Revolution took place in what year?
Why did the storming of the Bastille take place?
The people were unhappy--hungry, poor, a bad harvest, high taxes, all of these things led to an uprising to force change
Which building was constructed to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of Bastille Day?
The big glass pyramid was built outside the Louvre Museum
Which monument now stands in the place where the Bastille used to stand?
'The July Column' - la Colonne de Juillet
Which building was constructed to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of Bastille Day?
the Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel)
What is the motto of France?
LibertĂ©, ÉgalitĂ©, FraternitĂ© (Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood).
Where did the royal family live in 1789?
Who were the king and queen of France in 1789?
Louis XVI & Queen Marie-Antoinette
The storming of the Bastille was the beginning of which historic event in France?
The French Revolution
What kind of building was the Bastille?
A prison
The French do not call this public holiday "Bastille Day". Vrai ou Faux?
Vrai. They call it "le 14 juillet" or "la FĂȘte nationale"
This Tuesday was the 14th of July. Why is this an important date in France?
It is Bastille Day