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Noble Gases

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Give Symbol of Argon, and its uses
Ar. Used in light bulbs, so filament doesn't burn away like it would in oxygen
Give Symbol of Neon , and its uses
Ne. Used in signs, glows when electricity is passed through
Give Symbol of Helium , and its uses
He. Used in balloons as it is lighter than air
Why is Neon used in fluorescent lamps for advertising signs: 'neon signs'?
it glows & produces a red light when electric current is passed through it
Why is Helium used in 'airships' (blimps)? - Advertising
because of it is light, and because it is NOT flammable ( hydrogen is flammable).
Why do light bulbs use Argon?
Light bulbs are filled with Argon to stop the white-hot tungsten filament burning and reacting with oxygen in the air
The noble gases are inert.What does inert mean?
Unreactive, or does not react
In which group do we find the Noble Gases? Group 0 or Group 18?
Group 18
Which noble gas has the lowest atomic number?
Helium -2
Which noble gas has the highest atomic number?
Oganesson - 118
Noble gases are located to the far ______ on the periodic table? (direction)
True or False: Noble Gases can easily react.
Where can you see Noble gases in use everyday? Hint - In Cities
Neon Signs for Advertising
What is Space Object is found in space that contain small parts of noble gases?
Yes or No: Are noble gases harmful to humans?
What percentage of the Earth's atmosphere are the noble gases part of?
1 percent
What group number are they a part of?
How many noble gases are there on the Periodic Table?